The Hunting Song

The Hunting Song
Written by: Students & teachers at Mulga Bore HLC
with Matt Hill, Music Outback Education
(C)(P) 2006 Music Outback Foundation

Verse 1
On the weekend I went hunting
hunting in the bush.
A Kangaroo was drinking water
And eating grass.
I shot my gun but I missed
The Kangaroo jumped away.

Hunting, hunting
In the bush,
Hunting, huntingKangaroo,
Perentie and sugarbag
This is what I like to do,
Hunting, hunting
In the bush.

Verse 4
On the holidays
I went hunting for Perentie
He was eating a Goanna
And a little lizard
He started running so I chased him
HIT! COOKED! ATE! YUM! Mwerreangkere!

Verse 3
When the country is green
I hunt for Sugar Bag
I take my axe and chop the tree,
I get the Sugar Bag with my spoon
and put it in my Billy Can